How to plan your band’s tour in post-Covid times?

Since the dawn of rock and roll, the most anticipated thing for any band is going on a tour. Going around the state or the country and performing live is something amazing. We missed it during the pandemic, but now we can enjoy those moments once again. And while for the fans it is pure joy to watch their favorite musicians live, the organization of a tour can be a bit of a challenge. In this article, we are going to provide few tips for those in charge of this responsible task – managers or members of a music band that are planning to organize a tour. 

Top five things you need to plan before your band´s tour

Before you take to the road and start the tour, there are several things you need to take care of and plan for them. The better preparations you make – the better and smoother the tour will go. 

Route and tour transportation

If you are going on a tour then the band is famous. The question is, how famous exactly? Are we speaking about a tour within the limits of the state, or maybe something huge like nationwide series of concerts? Decide in which cities you will be performing, and then continue planning with the tour transportation. This is the most important thing and we recommend hiring professionals that provide transportation for tours as a service. By doing so, you don’t have to worry about who is going to be driving, if they are going to be rested enough (after or before the performance), what route you have to take and where you have to park. A professional driver will have an answer to all of these questions. And you will have fewer things to plan. 

Make arrangements with the clubs

Live performances out in the open are amazing, and we love them. However, as you probably know, most bands play in clubs. After you select the cities in which you are going to perform, you should find the most suitable places to host your concerts. Once you do, try to book them in advance and make the best arrangements possible with the owner/manager. Some will want rent, while others will be happy just to provide their customers with live music events. That means more money for them anyway. Whatever agreement you make, put it in writing. In that way, they can´t back off at the last minute. 

Find proper places to stay 

You and the rest of the band are going to need a place to stay after each concert. Pick something that is close to the venue and is within your budget. Since you will be on the road for a long time, it is good to have comfortable beds and the opportunity to take a nice shower. If you have some time, you can even check out the tourist sites in the places which you will be visiting. Make sure the hotel/motel/hostel where you will behave flexible check-in and check-out time. This is important in case you need to leave early in the morning, or if you are arriving late at night. 

Promotion of the events

The clubs that will host your concerts will be making some promotion of the event. Note that the main responsibility of marketing is on you. After all, this is your tour. Use the full potential of social media – create a Facebook event for each concert, promote them in relevant groups, and invite people to attend. You can also post daily photos and videos from the road to hype things up among your fans. Use everything to your advantage – even the tour transportation! Put some posters on the sides of the bus you are traveling in. 

Calculate pricing and profit 

Music and concerts are great but at the end of the day, it is all about the money. Calculate your expenses in terms of travel, cash spent for food, drinks, and hotels. Any advertising costs should be in the mix as well. Based on that you can determine the entry price for each concert. Don´t forget to have someone selling CDs and merchandise on the spot! T-shirts and all other printed items with the logo of the band will probably be sold out. And this can turn into a good cash flow. 

Organizing and having a tour can turn into the adventure of a lifetime! Especially if the members of the band are great and fun to be around. However, you should plan and prepare. This will ensure that everyone has a good time and you will make a decent profit. If you manage to do so, you will be planning your next tour pretty soon! Good luck!