Coaches’ dilemma: How to arrange the best transportation for the upcoming away games?

Is it time to organize the sports team transportation for that away game? We know it is hard to manage training the team, maintaining the high spirit of the players, and on top of all that to make travel arrangements. In this article, we are going to provide you with a few tips and tricks that can make the whole transportation arrangement thing easier. In that way, you will think less about where you have to park and will be able to focus on winning that game!

Clear out the details of the trip 

When you start planning and before you check for team transportation options, you should be familiar with all the details. The company you hire will have to know the dates and specific time of travel, where you need to be and in what time exactly and of course – how many people are going to be there. Usually, the company representatives will ask you about those things. However, it is better to know them in advance. In that way, you can proceed directly to booking their services and not waste any more time. 

Check if people have some issues with travel

It is always important to know if some people have issues with travel. Someone might get sick if they sit in the back. You will want to put them next to a window to get some fresh air from time to time. Others will need a bathroom break often. Check all of this in advance and be prepared to handle any situation. It is good to hand everyone on the bus a small bag in case they get sick. Warn them to have a bottle of water just in case and pack sandwiches for the trip. 

Make a tight schedule

The next piece of advice we can give you is to prepare a strict schedule that you should print and hand out to all people traveling. When the group is big, there are often complications. There is always someone that hasn’t understood what and where they need to be. In this way, you have insurance that this won’t happen. Besides, it nurtures discipline and responsibility among the team. 

Have the contact information of everyone 

When you go somewhere on such a trip, you are responsible for the people traveling with you. You and the other staff members must have the contact information of the players. In this way, if something happens or someone goes missing, you can reach out to them. A good practice is to create a group chat or e-mail group to share important messages for everyone. For example – that you will meet for breakfast at 8:30 in the hotel lobby. 

Have a helping hand from the team 

Everything that we outlined so far is a ton of work. And it is almost impossible for a single person to handle. This is why the best piece of advice we can give you is to have a helping hand from the team. This can be the captain or someone else that you know is organized and respected by his/her teammates. You can have that person (or people) take care of the things you don’t have time to cover – gathering contact information, handing out the trip schedule, and many more. 

Do a check-up on the day before departure

That may seem like an unnecessary step for some, but it is always good to double-check everything the day before you leave. There is a good chance that something has been forgotten or not cleared out properly. This will give you the chance to take care of it on time. It is better to find out the day before, rather than on the day of the trip. 

There is a lot more than these six pieces of advice that you have to handle, but doing them will surely make the arrangement of the trip easier for you. We hope that you get that away win and make the fans happy!